"Adding Your Church's Services" FAQ

OK, most worship teams sound great live, but if you listen to them on a recording latter, you may cringe! However, if you are involved with an exceptional team, especially one that does a lot of original music or is very good at taking well worn tunes and freshening them up, consider getting them on the Internet.

What does it take to get my services on the web?

1.) Record the service. Some record direct to PC, some use CD recorders. There is a good discussion of this at the Calvary Chapel Webservants site.

2.) Encode the audio in a compressed format. For audio only, MP3 would be the most universal. To include video as well, there are many formats that are popular: Windows Media, Real Audio, Apple Quicktime, etc.

3) Upload your media files to your web server.

4) Add a link to the appropriate page. Note that it is better to have a page that does not change regularly so that HotWorship can link directly to it. This prevents visitors from having to go to your home page and trying to locate your media files.

5) Let us know about it - email us a link! And if you run into other sites with their worship music on the web, we would love to hear about that as well.

Our church streams it's services each week on to the Internet. How do I add a link to your site?

We are sorry, but we do not include streams that are only active during services. We believe that since this is such a short time and that many other worship leaders are probably busy with their own services while yours are going on, it would only provide very limited value to our audience. But we believe it is a great idea for your local congregation.

175 E. Oaksbury Lane
Palatine, IL  60067  USA
